Discover the transformative experience of our Biomat sessions, where the restorative power of far infrared rays, negative ions, and the natural resonance of amethyst crystals come together to create a unique healing environment. As you lie down on the Biomat, you’ll feel a soothing warmth that helps to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and promote deep relaxation. This innovative therapy is designed to enhance your body’s natural healing abilities, providing a gentle yet effective treatment that supports physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Embrace this oasis of comfort, and let our Biomat be your gateway to a more balanced and rejuvenated self.

Infrared Therapy

Amethyst Crystal Healing

Negative Ion Release

Holistic Health Benefits

Soothe Your Body & Spirit

infrared Therapy

The Biomat’s far infrared rays penetrate deeply into the body, providing warmth that can relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and encourage healing at the cellular level.

Amethyst Crystal Healing

Known for its calming and meditative properties, the amethyst crystals in the Biomat amplify the therapeutic infrared heat, helping to create a balanced and serene healing experience.

Negative Ion Release

Breathe in the benefits of negative ions as the Biomat emits these ‘vitamins of the air’, which are believed to improve mood, reduce stress, and enhance overall energy levels.

Holistic Health Benefits

With regular use, the Biomat can contribute to an improved state of health and well-being, assisting in detoxification, boosting the immune system, and promoting restful sleep.

A Symphony for the Senses.

Discover tranquility at Diversified Wellness, where the gentle touch of renewal and the warm whisper of serenity blend in harmony. Here, a soothing spirit and awakened senses are nurtured, crafting a sanctuary for diverse paths to well-being.

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